On Friday 13th! Ian reports -
"Iain Ross and self were taxed with drilling the rest of the softwood
sleepers, and putting 1 chair on them; the other end of most of them
will have a check chair and therefore the spacing is different. We also
plugged and drilled 4 hardwood timbers which are sat towards the pit,
and chairs were added both ends to them. Georgie was busy infilling the
ductwork trench, after laying in witness tape to permit future
maintenance staff to be aware of the route of the duct"
Saturday saw a bigger squad of Mike, David, Richard and Iain again
Above a new method of joining timbers at switch levers.
As can be seen above both switches in and fixed down, sleepers laid out to take closure rails, chairs have ferrules. Georgie seemed pleased with progress.
Thanks to all that attended and Ian & Mike for respective reports and photos.