Friday 23 May 2014

More Fishplate oiling - Wednesday 21st May

Glad to see the old girl back in service, Fishplate oiling continues a pace, had reached Estate level crossing near 85 1/2 milepost crossing by lunchtime of May 21st. I think the intension is to complete all the plain Mainline of the railway by "summer".
The old water tank site at Boat of Garten is now cleared, with the new tank top right. Gradually the environs around Boat are being tidied up, will try and get a photo of old coaling point by the South Signal Box.
Another project Ray (pictured) and Colin are heavily involved in, is the painting of the self propelled 12 tonne Rail Crane into PWay green, which found some brief space in the C&W repair shed. As Colin said only the jib to do!

Monday 19 May 2014

Jacker Packer and Fishplate oiling - May 17/18

Good progress was made on Saturday 17th on packing the extension from Broomhill, with the Jacker Packer, until one of the hydraulic hoses burst, quite spectacularly I believe. Hopefully it will not take too long to source a replacement.

On the Sunday it was back to routine maintenance in the form of fishplate oiling, starting from 87 1/4 milepost working towards Aviemore. The "Race the Train" event passed below us with some shouts of "please can you delay the train for us?
46512 with a floral tribute to Graham Elkin, who sadly passed away recently after a long illness.
Working in three pairs meant that good psychological progress was made as we progressed six lengths at a time and I guess about a mile and a half was achieved.