Scene some weeks ago, with plinth locations marked out. (photo from Keith Holyland)
The shuttering was erected (see earlier Blogs), here John again checks the levels. The reinforcing grid was removed and placed in again half way through the pour of concrete.
Georgie in action! to stop leakage from round the base of shuttering post-crete was used to seal.
Here Stuart and Andrew "Supervise" Ian's daughter, as can be seen she worked very hard, the heater was used to assist in defrosting the sand and possibly keeping Stuarts hands warm!
Finished product as smoothed by Georgie.
Polythene was secured over the shuttering to keep surfaces clean and keep some of the heat in, as it was a mere 2 degrees Celsius.
Even with Calum here thinking he is firing Flying Scotsman!
(see for more photos of the heater)
Since we had a big squad, eleven in total, some proper PWay maintenance work was also done on the Switches and Crossings (S&C) - loosening off bolts, oiling them and re-tightening.
Left to Right - Bruce, Angus and Andrew