The Ellon Painting Squad led by Colin Frost, start the undercoat, using the bespoke scaffold (as per last Blog) to paint the Aviemore canopy facia.
Photo taken by Norman Cameron, during his last Track Walk Inspection
and by the end of the day the other end of the canopy! Well done Guys.
photos taken by David Crosley.
The main event was the Annual PWay Line Inspection/Do from the comfort of the Watkinson's Trust LMS Saloon (it is available for private hire, fortunately we got it for free!) where a few "libations" were had and for the first time ever, we were served soup and a sandwich by a charming young lady from the Railways Caterers. Maybe the Caterer slightly underestimated how hungry "line inspection" work can be!
We had a leaving card and collection (350 Canadian Dollars raised) for Norman Cameron as he is emigrating to Canada with his Canadian Wife. We also gave him at little expense, a book on Canadian Railways, donated to the Railway at some point! to whet his appetite for his new life. He gave us a short thank you speech above, in which we learned that he has been Volunteering in the PWay squad since 1973!
Here Norman wears, the first to be presented - 30 Year, Long Service Badge
(yes we know he's been here more than thirty years but its the highest we have! and we thought postage costs to Canada might be a bit steep)
Anyway thank you Norman and we wish you and your Wife Marlyin all the very best.
Group photo in glorious sunshine at Boat of Garten almost concluded, I hope very enjoyable day had by all.