Friday was the Spring Equinox and the sun shone dawn till dusk.
Ian, John, Martin, Jim, Angus and John & Georgie all assembled to study the lifting plan & briefing for "The Big Lift"
Previously dug-out plain line prepares to be lifted by our own, very recently load tested, 12 tonne rail crane.
Higher than normal lift required to clear the underbridge at Boat of Garten
Crane parked up on the bridge
Left Martin to Mind the Gap!
He was eventually told of an alfresco gourmet lunch, provided by John (via Munro's Nurseries on the Black Isle) back in Boat of Garten yard.
Switch fishplated up, Crossing approaching - finished at 1715.
On Saturday - Mike & Lauren, additionally assisted Friday's Gang, in slewing, measure shovel packing (MSP) the high rail, followed by cross-levelling the low rail (curve cant applied) then whole turnout MSP'd, with a ballast drop to finish off.
Our own Station Master at Boat of Garten - Mr Walters commented "as an ex-British Rail Permanent
Way Engineer, I would like to congratulate the PWay Dept on a superbly
executed piece of S&C design, procurement, assembly and
installation. We would have been delighted back in the 1970’s if we had
achieved that level of quality in that time with so small a workforce."
Well done indeed to all - especially John for supplying the photos/info (and scones!)