Saturday, 2 July 2022

Tullochgorum MSP - 2nd July 2022

Good sized squad assembled at Boat of Garten. We met our newest conscript Baptiste. Georgie asked Mike and Angus to tighten up the fishplate nuts to Broomhill as experience has shown that they come loose after their recent oiling.

Main squad then proceeded to Tullochgorum near 91 milepost where Georgie had noted that the steam locomotive gives a "bit of a lurch". Using the sighting boards this was confirmed and Baptiste (above right) was introduced to the dark art of Measured Shovel Packing (MSP).

All went fine until the heavy arrived and luckily we took shelter under one of only two over bridges on the whole railway - Tullochgorum

a protracted lunch was had and we tried to dodge very heavy never ending showers and it was decided to call it a day, first time in years! (of course Baptiste got the blame as he hails from warmer climes)  

Whilst Georgie went to pick up the very soaked through Angus and Mike, we busied ourselves by hand weeding the invasive weeds our weedkiller does not seem to kill?
Passing traffic from the fortuitous bridge.

Many thanks to Angus, Mike, Les, Iain, Baptiste & Roddy (who took the first two photos)

MSP to be continued....on a drier day!  

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